A Valentine’s Day Love Letter to My Teen Daughters

love letter

Yesterday I found myself in the Hallmark aisle of the grocery store. I was searching for Valentine’s Day cards for my two teens to tell them how much I love them. While I realize this is an impossible task for anyone, the forced, insincere rhyming words on card stock for the discount price of $6 weren’t exactly what I had in mind. Instead, I found myself writing a Valentine’s Day Love Letter to my daughters in my head at 5:00 a.m.

This is my wish for how I’d like you both to experience Love.

Love Single Moments

…the vibrant, pink sun-lit sky of a new day; instantaneous laughter that breaks out in a room with no warning; comforting smiles from complete strangers when you are in need; the crunch of leaves under your feet; the “Perfect” Ed Sheeran song; the way your favorite pillow catches and embraces your head after a long, draining day.

Love the Every-Day and Life-Altering Choices you Make

…both can easily be changed if the path you select is the wrong one. There isn’t anything that can’t be undone.

Love Your Mistakes, Stumbles, Missteps and Failures

The triumphs you obtain from those invaluable lessons will become the sweetest, most rewarding, highlights of your life.

Love Your Independence

…as you mature and become an intelligent, young woman and some of the house rules are lifted — but don’t confuse your new-found freedom with approval to be careless, thoughtless or reckless.

Love the Silence in Life

Turn off all the noise and distractions that surround everyday activities and learn to find comfort in the quietness of the day.

Love Your Self-Defined Faults

…your booming voice in a quiet room, your uncanny ability to slam your knee, foot or head on anything that seems to be in the general direction of your body, your weight that sometimes goes a little higher than what you imagine to be ideal, the curls in your hair that magically appear after you straighten it, the imperfect way you look in the latest picture posted by your friend. NO ONE sees these things except you and there are so many people who would jump at the chance to be you, just the way you are!

Love Your Girlfriends Like Sisters

Their devotion is unwavering. They will be at your doorstep at a moment’s notice with a quart of Friendly’s Cookies ‘n Cream, two spoons, a box of tissues and a strong shoulder to cry on whenever and wherever you need them.

Love With All Your Might

When you find that someone who is kind, caring, funny, empathetic, committed and listens intently, love with all your might – deeply, without regret, or hesitation. Until then, continue searching for what you deserve!

Love Those Who Cause Harm or Hurt You

…this is the hardest love to give, but it makes all the other acts of love so much easier.

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